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ME.TRE-45 Transformer 45VA 16V (2,72 A) in IP44 enclosure
Pulsar PSCLB13830 power supply unit 3A with battery IP67. 106x62x37. -10°C TO +50°C
ME.TRE-60/2 Transformer 35VA+25VA 16V (2,12A+1,51A) in IP44 enclosure with two secondary windings.
Pulsar PSBOC15512110 Power supply 13,8V/7A with water output
Pulsar PSB15512110 power supply 13,8V/11A
ME.TRE-30 Transformer 30VA 16V (1,81A) in IP44 enclosure
Pulsar PSG2-12V10A power supply with 13,8V/10A water output. Grade2
AWO200PU equipment box (325*400*98)
AWO403 box for 65Ah battery (390x195x170)
AWO000PU Equipment box (250*250*80)

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