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PGM 82 PGM extension module in plastic housing with ram. 8 programmable 4A relay outputs; PGM deactivation by timer, event, APP or directly from module; output status indicators, 315mA, -20 to 50 °C GRADE 3, Class II


ZX 1 Expansion module 1 zonal, 9-16 Vdc, 28 mA, -20 to 50 °C
R915 4-wire card reader; Tri-colour LED; IP65, 14.4 x 15.2 x 2.5 cm, -35 to 65 °C. Colours: white, black.
R910 4-wire card reader; Tri-colour LED; Reads cards up to 10cm away. -35 to 65 °C; 5.5 x 15 x 2.5 cm


ZX 8 Expansion module 8 zone, 1 PGM output, 12-16 Vdc, 28 mA max, -20 to 50 °C, GRADE 3, Class II
ACM12 Access module for EVO card reader (1 door, bi-directional with paradox readers R910/R915, also supports other card readers with Wiegant 26bit protocol; Access by card or code (R915); Alarming, unlocking by card or code; Monitorable 1.5A power supply; 16 Vac 20VA.
ZX 82 Expansion module 8 zone in plastic housing with damper, zone status indicators, 9-16 Vdc, 95 mA max, -20 to 50 °C, GRADE 3, Class II
The PRT3 allows the Paradox alarm system to be interfaced (e.g. KNX) with home automation. Compatible with EVO series or DGP-848 (4.11 or higher). Transmits information between the central device and the home automation using ASCII or C-Bus protocol.
NEW-ACC Software guarding + access. EVO192/EVOHD. On-line monitoring and management of the system, status and faults of zones and watch areas.


K38 Wireless LCD keypad (32 zones, 2 guard zones), Language selection: Estonian, Russian, English. -10 to 55 °C, GRADE 2, Class II NB! Only for MAGELLAN Centre

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