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GEKKO-4L addr. central device with 4 stitches.
ORION-BCM-LSC Addressable power supply with battery charger, integrated loop controller.
QUAD ZMU 4 ZONE Zone monitoring module. 4 inputs
GFE-MCPE-AI Addressable handheld built-in short-circuit isolator, IP 24
Wizmart NB 358D S Addressable Optical Smoke Detector with Stand
OCTO+ adr. central device with 4 stitches
QUAD ZMU 2 ZONE Zone monitoring module. 2 inputs
GFE-BASE-REL ZEOS sensor base with built-in buzzer
QUAD ZMU 1 ZONE Zone monitoring module. 1 input
OCTO+ adr. central device with 6 stitches

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